- 具備二組/三組 咖啡出口
- 二支蒸氣棒及一個熱水出口
- 智慧型鍋爐可提升 30% 效能
- 觸控式按鍵板,LED 燈顯示面板
- 可提示各種有關溫度、壓力、銷售資訊
- 操作者可輕鬆掌控咖啡機狀況
- 鍋爐容量10公升/ 15公升
- 人性化新型觸控面板
- 八組/十二組咖啡設定鍵
- 二組熱水量設定鍵
- 操作簡單,專利可調式熱水裝置、溫度穩定
- 不噴熱蒸氣,使用安全性高
- 雙頭附咖啡粉操作手把三支(單杯一支雙杯兩支)
- 三頭附咖啡粉操作手把四支(單杯一支雙杯三支)

Pure LaCimbali temperament
A new automotive look, and a gutsy temperament: M34 Cimbali guarantees a versatile response to all your reliability and production needs. Advanced electronics for a perfect espresso and top quality drinks. Hi-tech solutions for saving energy. Painstaking attention to the design. M34 – the ideal tool for winning the most exciting challenge: satisfying your customers.
A new shape
The ends of the filter-holder grip and steam knobs have a chrome-plated internal element. Command panel in polycarbonate with glass effect, constantly back-lit with white low consumption LEDs. Full-touch capacitive selection keys.