KALEA 全自動咖啡機
- 簡易操作介面:一鍵操作即可得到一杯現磨咖啡或是花式咖啡飲品
- 多樣化選擇:可同時提供義式espresso及咖啡飲品
- 義式咖啡文化:使用尖端商用咖啡機技術和義大利傳統咖啡文化結合。
- 以義大利式機身設計,適合各類商業場合。
- 個性化的輔助功能

- A unique solution for all needs a compact machine delivering Espresso + Fresh Brew + Fresh MilkEspresso coffee + Flat black coffee from the same Z4000 brewerHigh performance brewer, regulation of blades and gear pump for the milk
- User-friendlyNew appealing user interface enhancing the consumer experienceNew entirely customizable 7″ touch screenQuick settings and easy diagnosis for the professionals
- Maintenance and easinessEasier access to the components and faster change of the partsModular design of the internal of the machineReduced maintenance costs